
The Beginning

The economic state of our country has put many of us in an uncomfortable situation, a situation that can only be created by the fear and uncertainty of hard times. As a result of these times small 'tent cities' started popping up outside major cities in the summer of 2008. While a portion of these 'campers' were previously homeless a large number of them were individuals, couples, or families who had been left unemployed and homeless due to the recent constrictions of the economy. Shelters filled quickly, typically already to capacity even when the economy was strong, and people were forced to find homes for themselves to survive in. It was then that tent cities, or shanty towns, returned. 

My intentions are to find the sophistication, or lack there of, within these tent cities. By breaking down the social and physical properties of these organizations and comparing them to other forms of dwelling I can possibly come to some conclusion about human needs and about how architecture may or may not be influencing the decisions and perception of an individual. 

This exploration will start with basic research on the idea of 'dwelling' and the typology of 'camp'. This will coincide with research on the history of shanty towns in the USA and internationally as well as the current tent cities and shanty towns domestic and internationally. After the foundation research I will take a week driving between tent cities, from Utah to Vegas, Southern California, Fresno, Sacramento, Reno, and back to Salt Lake. During this time I will be photographing, drawing, and taking surveys/notes of each encampment. This trip will take place during the last ten days of July.

Currently I am reading "Camp" and "Atlas of Novel Tectonics". Officially this project starts today with this blog. In my next blog I will be including thoughts and information from either text. 


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