I have been working on the idea of 'dwelling' but not as quickly as I wanted to. I am going to have a solid draft up for comments early monday night and then will, if necessary, revise or develop from there.
Have a good weekend.
Tracking the progress of an exploration in architecture
Alright Jessica, Sounds great. I look forward to your insights on dwelling and will comment as soon as I get a chance.
ReplyDeleteThere is an ACSA conference you may want to check out. I am writing and preenting at this conference in October. It is especially alighned with your current research. Here is the link:
I am also thinking that as you are writing it wuld be a good idea to graphically support your ideas. Images, sketches, diagrams that either document, reinforce, or imagine possibilities for your ideas regarding dwelling and time (temporality) or whichever other topic you are investigating. This will be especially valuable to you as you make the transition from observation/documentation/theorizing into design and producion.
Oh, you have a good weekend as well. Good luck with the job!