

So I got about two hours from home and my car started overheating. There was no way I would make it to Vegas and through Southern Utah with it overheating before I even hit the redrock.. SO trip is a bust. I have had a long day of trying to get my car back home but tomorrow I will be focusing on working through your responses and reformulating my ideas.. I will also be trying to get that book. I am excited to read it =D 
Thanks for the time you set aside today. 



  1. That's really too bad. I was looking foreward to hearing about it. Let me know what you plan on doing in lieu of this trip, as I think it was a major portion of your research, and I would like to offer some guidance if you need it.

  2. Jessica,

    I don't know what is going on, but I left more comments than this last night. I hope they are approved soon an dposted for you - I really would rather not re-write all of them. Just keep in mind that more should be coming (maybe before you get this - which would make it a moot point).
