
Please Elaborate

I am going through all of your recent comments and questions and trying to understand and respond to each of them, but in this process there is something I would really like you to elaborate on for me. In response to Part One you said:

"I know that when I was going through some of this - which was a while ago - I used the spatial operators outlined by a person whom I have forgotten. That individual identified seven spatial operators, and the bridge was one. The others were: hotel, prison, well, labrynth, tower (inverse well?) and death. Each of these is considered as a function (operation) given form. It is a way of decoding some of the ideas. Each has a different way of engaging the four-fold. (I never really bought into the death one - it never made sense to me)."

I tried to google search these seven spacial operators to find the author and gain more understanding of them but was unsucessful. I think I understand, to some extent, what you are getting at but knowing how one or each of these were applied would be very helpful. They are a very interesting collection of spaces..  and I agree, the death doesn't seem to fit but maybe if I could read the argument for it I could have a more educated opinion of it. Thanks, More to come this afternoon, Jess

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,

    I don't have time right now to fully respond to you. Will do so tomorrow morning when I get into the office.

    Until then I have tracked down the author of those spatial operators I mentioned before. Michel Serres. French Philosopher.

    I am having trouble finding the original writing by him though. I know it has something to do with Zola - in the title. But All I have found is critiques of that work - not the work itself. I will continue looking, but until then you may have some luck in tracking it down. Again - more tomorrow.
