
In Response:

In response to your comment:
I am glad the Chicago trip was great! I have been itching to see the new Renzo addition, what we saw of it during construction was enough to get me excited. I am considering an overnight megabus trip right before school starts [staying in the hostel right downtown worked pretty well the first time I saw the city]. 

As for how this is going to 'conclude', I agree... I am opening up at least three cans of worms as far as I can tell and I don't know what to make, in terms of "answers," to most of it. . I have been trying to figure out what the product of this exploration will be and I really don't know yet. I am hoping with a little more reading from auge and a revisitation of Heidegger I can come up with something.. Thoughts I have, questions I certainly have, ideas I have, but conclusions ? I don't really know what there is to make conclusions of I suppose. If responses count as conclusions I guess I am good to go but.. well, well will see. 

I would prefer not to attempt a design of something in the matter of weeks, only because I fear it would not have the time for rendition and development that I would want.. maybe a paper in response to a space? as it applies to the context/time/place/dwelling.. Actually.. the Salt Lake City Library might be beautiful for that. It was designed by Moshe Sofdie, one of my personal favorite architects, and it an amazing space. Have you seen or heard of it? It would be a place I could also see how people create spaces for themselves, how they create territories, how they (or how they don't) dwell.. and I would love to attempt drawings of that building inside and out haha.. oh the perspectives would be insane.. and, as a civil building, as an international architects response to creating a SLC library, as  a place that allows learning... it might fit right in with Auge. I am not sure how you feel about that, I would love your ideas as well. I am not even sure how I feel about it considering I thought of it as I was writing this post BUT let me know. I want to finish Auge in the next week and be able to spend three weeks on whatever drawings, paper, ect that need to be developed. I will be leaving Park City after Labor Day and going home [ napa ] for the first time since Christmas. Depending on my lovely little car I am going to try and take the long way home, err back to cincinnati (down 1o1, through LA, across the gulf (which I have never seen), and through some cities I have never been able to get any idea of. I would probably head north from Atlanta if it all worked out but that would allow me to stop in a lot of places that would be interesting to follow up with after all of the reading and thinking this summer has entailed. 

I am glad I decided to continue with this, even if the "credit" I am getting for it has no real effect on my graduation and I could have been lounging like too many people I know in my section haha. It turned out to be more interesting than I think I predicted. Thank you for your help. 

Well, really now, off to bed. Its only, oh.. 2:30. awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Well I am gald you decided to go through with this as well. And you know what might be an incredible "concluding" document...

    A short paper would work, but I think a small book of images would be better.

    For instance you have a spread - on the left page a conclusion, observation, or response and on the right an image or sketch that illustrates it. In fact you could have three chapters "conclusions," "observations," and "responses" in whatever order. A very simple document that acts as a kind of visual encyclopedia of dwelling. In it you mention Heideggar, Auge, Hailey, the act of making, of place making, of the need to dwell and suport those assertions and points of research with images. I would be something to sshare with the school. Perhaps even organize an exhibition...

    Also, if you are taking that long way back - which would be great: go through Houston if you can and visit the Menil galleries, the rothko chapel and such. You will thouroughly enjoy it. Also in Houston Moneo, Van der Rohe, and Turrell.

    See the High Museum in Atlanta

